Adjustment and Setting of Clamp Controller on Toshiba Injection Molding Machine

Adjustment and Setting of Clamp Controller on Toshiba Injection Molding Machine

1. Setting of Clamping Force and Low Clamping Force

[1] Press [SERVO] of the PREPARATION button on the operation controller to turn on the servomotor.
Motor Power on off button
[2] Press [SET-UP] of the OPERATION selector button on the operation controller.
Operation Buttons
[3] Setting of low-pressure clamp force PCL

1) Change the INJECTVISOR screen to [CLAMP].
2) Press the [CLAMP] screen selector button and the [CLAMP] screen change button to display the [CLAMP] screen.
3) Touch [PCL] (low-pressure clamp force) on the screen to open the [PCL LOW PRESSURE CLAMPING] setting window.
4) Set the lowest clamping pressure (PCL) to enable mold opening/closing and mold closing smoothly while actually opening and closing the mold platen.

clamping pressure rate setting on PLC for mold test

NOTE: Setting the value of PCL insufficient disables operation. Setting the value excessive lessens the effect as mold protection function.
[4] Setting of clamp force
After setting of low-pressure clamp force, set clamp force on the same screen.
1) Touch [PCH] (clamp force) on the [CLAMP] screen to open the [PCH CLAMPING PRESSURE] setting window.
2) Set the required clamp force (kN ) on the step switch of the setting window. It is recommended to set clamp force lower within the range burrs are not produced from the aspect of power consumption or machine life.
3) Touch [] (close) to close the window.

NOTE: [PCH] can be set only with [SET-UP] of the OPERATION button pressed.
NOTE: Be sure to carry out die height adjustment when clamp pressure setting is changed.
(For details, refer to the section 2.4.3[8] of this manual.)

Setting of clamp force

2. Setting of Mold Open/Close Speed and Speed Shift Position
[1] Press [SET-UP] of the OPERATION selector button on the operation controller.
Operation Buttons

[2] Temporary setting of mold open limit LS3 Next set the maximum mold open stroke in [LS3] on the same screen.
Temporary setting of mold open limit

1) Touch [LS3] on the [CLAMP] screen to open the [LS3 MLD OPEN LIMIT POS] setting window.
2) Set the maximum mold open stroke in the step switch of the setting window.
3) Touch [x] (close) to close the window.

* The maximum mold open stroke may be changed according to the specification of the machine. Refer to the attached drawing, MOLD MOUNTING SPACE for checking.

[3] Mold opening
Continuously press [OPEN] of the MOLD button on the operation controller to stop the mold at the position suitable for product take-out.
Mold open close buttons

[4] Check for product take-out space
Check that the product can be automatically dropped or taken out by the take-out robot from the space between the stationary and movable molds.
product take-out space

[5] Setting of mold open limit [LS3] Set the dimension shown on [PLATEN POPS] display into the step switch on the [LS3 MLD OPEN LIMIT POS] window on the [CLAMP] screen. For setting follow the procedure of temporary setting.
Setting of mold open limit position

[6]Temporary setting of mold close speed shift positions [LS2A], [LS2D] and [LS2E] Set the mold close speed shift positions [LS2A], [LS2D] and [LS2E] in the step switch on each setting window opened on the [CLAMP] screen by following the procedure below.
1) Set 10 mm [0.4 in] in [LS2A] (shift position from fast mold close VC2 to slow close VCS) (low pressure) as the initial value.
2) Set 2/3 position between [LS2A] and [LS3] into [LS2D] (shift position from fast mold close VC1 to VC2) and also 1/3 position between [LS2A] and [LS3] into [LS2E] (shift position from fast mold close VC2 to VC3) as the initial values.

Example with 250 mm [9.8 in] set into [LS3] Set value of LS2E = (LS3 – LS2A)/3 + LS2A
= (250 – 10)/3 + 10 = 90
[9.8in] [0.4in] [0.4in] [3.5in] Set value of LS2D = (LS3 – LS2A)/3 + LS2E
= (250 – 10)/3 + 90 = 170
[9.8in] [0.4in] [3.5in] [6.7in]

mold close speed shift positions

[7] Temporary setting of mold open speed shift positions [LS3A], [LS3B], [LS3D] and [LS3E] Set the mold open speed shift positions [LS3A], [LS3B], [LS3D] and [LS3E] in the step switch on each setting window on the [CLAMP] screen by following the procedure below.

1) Set 20 mm [0.8 in] into [LS3A MLD OPENHIGH SPD POS] (shift position to fast open speed) as the initial value.
2) Set the value, LS3 set value – 20 mm [0.8 in], into [LS3B] (shift position from fast mold open VO3 to slow open VOS2) as the initial value.

Example with 250 mm [9.8 in] set into [LS3] Set value of LS3B = LS3 – 20 = 250 – 20 = 230
[0.8in] [9.8in] [0.8in] [9.0in]

3) Set 1/3 position between [LS3A] and [LS3B] into [LS3D] (shift position from fast mold open VO1 to VO2) and also 2/3 position between [LS3A] and [LS3B] into [LS3E] (shift position from fast mold open VO2 to VO3) as the initial values.

Example with 250 mm [9.8 in] set into [LS3] Set value of LS3D = (LS3B – LS3A)/3 + LS3A
= (230 – 20)/3 + 20 = 90
[9.0in] [0.8in] [0.8in] [3.5in] Set value of LS3E = (LS3B – LS3A)/3 + LS3D
= (230 – 20)/3 + 90 = 160
[9.0in] [0.8in] [3.5in] [6.3in]

Temporary setting of mold open speed shift positions

[8]Temporary setting of mold close speeds [VC1], [VC2], [VC3] and [VCS] Set mold close speeds in the step switch on [VC1], [VC2], [VC3] and [VCS] windows opened on the [CLAMP] screen.

1) Set 60 % in [VC1], [VC2] and [VC3] (fast mold close speeds).
2) Set 30 % in [VCS] (slow mold close speed).

[9]Temporary setting of mold open speeds [VO1], [VO2], [VO3], [VOS1] and [VOS2] By following the same manner as [12] above, set mold open speeds in the step switch on [VO1], [VO2], [VO3], [VOS1] and [VOS2] windows opened on the [CLAMP] screen.
1) Set 60 % in [VO1], [VO2] and [VO3] (fast mold open speeds).
2) Set 30 % in [VOS1] and [VOS2] (slow mold open speeds).

Temporary setting of mold open speeds

[10] Press [MAN] of the OPERATION selector button on the operation controller.
Operation Buttons

[11] Adjusting of mold open/close speeds
While opening and closing the mold, gradually increase the temporarily set mold open/close speeds [VC1] ~ [VCS] and [VO1] ~ [VOS2]. Lower [LS2D] and increase [LS3D]. Minimize mold open/close time to the extent no shock is given.
Adjusting of mold open/close speeds
[12] [LS2A] setting
Gradually lower the [LS2A] value set temporarily to an optimum value.

[13] [LS3B] setting
Gradually lower the [LS3B] value set temporarily to the extent no shock is given at the mold open limit.

[14] Final adjusting
Finally adjust [12] and [13] for final *** setting.
Mold open close speed diagram

The figures above show examples of setting. In the case of three-piece mold as shown in [Mold open/close speed diagram] on the right, speed setting in consideration of mold opening the intermediate mold is possible.

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      Alleycho Precision Mold Technology Co., Ltd
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      Tell: +86-757-8230 4858

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